Saturday, August 05, 2006

Sherrif John's Lunchtime Brigade

MM Sherrif John's Lunchtime Brigade TV. Age 5. Watching at lunchtime before i started kindergarden. What a memory. I found a couple of links to information about his show.. like this one, TV Acres.

He had a birthday song.. a be happy song.. he was as close to Mr Rodgers as our generation got. And he had cartoons.. Crusader Rabbit.. Casper the friendly ghost. some strange space cartoon.. And Clutch Cargo, which is what i am really on about today.
Clutch Cargo had a strange thing with the animation.. The faces would be still and the characters lips would move. They looked airbrushed on. Now I have learned the secret.. They called the technique Synchro-Vox adn what they did was to have hardly any real moving pictrue animation, instead using a lot of water colored back grounds, Then the voice actors lips were filmed as they spoke their lines, and those lips were superimposed on motionles drawings of the characters faces. They also hardly ever showed characters feet when waliking or running and I still remember how the torsos woud bob up and down but other wise not move. Oftern planes and cars woudl jerk around to simulate motion. Backgrouds tended to be simple except for occasional vauge water colors. Here is a link to antoher page about the cartoon with some clips to watch:
Hope you enjoy